Introduction to Bayesian statistics with brms and the tidyverse

A workshop through Physalia Courses

By A. Solomon Kurz in workshop

March 20, 2023


In partnership with Physalia Course, this will be my first introductory Bayesian statistics workshop since grad school.


March 20 – 24, 2023


8:00 AM – 1:00 PM




We are entering the Golden Age of Bayesian statistics. Thanks to fast personal computers and powerful free software (e.g., Stan), working scientists can fit an array of Bayesian models tailored to their specific needs. Recent textbooks from authors like McElreath (2015, 2020) have also made Bayesian methods more accessible to applied researchers with minimal backgrounds in mathematics. However, many graduate programs still do not offer introductory courses on Bayesian statistics. To help fill that pedagogical gap, this course is designed to provide an accessible and applied introduction to Bayesian data analysis for a wide variety of linear models using user-friendly brms R package.


We assume familiarity with R, regression, and the Generalized Linear Model (e.g., logistic regression, Poisson regression). Participants will benefit most if they have some experience with multilevel models. No knowledge of calculus or linear algebra is assumed, but basic school level mathematics knowledge is assumed. Most of the R code will follow the tidyverse style.


After completing this course, the participants will:

  1. have become familiar with the basics of Bayesian inference,
  2. be able to fit a range of regression models with several likelihood functions,
  3. be able fit several robust models and distributional models,
  4. know how to select priors for their models using prior predictive checks,
  5. know how to assess the descriptive accuracy of a model using posterior predictive checks, and
  6. know how to express their posterior distributions as effect sizes and informative figures.

Background reading

This course will draw from several introductory textbooks, such as:

Supporting materials

I am looking forward to this workshop and I hope to post supporting materials, soon.

Posted on:
March 20, 2023
2 minute read, 361 words
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