Welcome to my blog

I mainly post about data analysis and applied statistics stuff, usually in R. Frequent topics include Bayesian statistics, multilevel models, and statistical power.

Written by A. Solomon Kurz

Bayesian power analysis: Part II. Some might prefer precision to power

When researchers decide on a sample size for an upcoming project, there are more things to consider than null-hypothesis-oriented power. Bayesian researchers might like to frame their concerns in terms of precision. Stick around to learn what and how.

By A. Solomon Kurz

July 24, 2019

Stein’s Paradox and What Partial Pooling Can Do For You

In many instances, partial pooling leads to better estimates than taking simple averages will, a finding sometimes called Stein’s Paradox. In 1977, Efron and Morris published a great paper discussing the phenomenon. In this post, I’ll walk out Efron and Morris’s baseball example and then link it to contemporary Bayesian multilevel models.

By A. Solomon Kurz

February 23, 2019

Bayesian meta-analysis in brms

This is an early draft of my first attempt at explaining the connection between meta-analyses and the Bayesian multilevel model. Enjoy!

By A. Solomon Kurz

October 14, 2018